Kancelarja gjermane Angela Merkel, e cila u pa të dridhje në takimin me presidentin e Ukrainës Volodimir Zelenskiy, tha se ajo kishte pirë ujë dhe tani ndjehej më mirë.
Merkel dukej sikur po përpiqej të ngrinte lart ndërsa ajo dhe Zelenskii dëgjonin himne kombëtare gjatë nderimeve ushtarake në Berlin.
#Merkel appears to tremble while viewing parade with #Zelenskiy in #Berlin pic.twitter.com/TFsKOBWilq
— Ruptly (@Ruptly) June 18, 2019
“Që atëherë kam pirë të paktën tre gota ujë – padyshim që kam nevojë për këtë dhe po jam shumë më mirë tani”, tha Merkel gjatë një konference të përbashkët me Zelenskiin në Berlin.
WATCH: German Chancellor Merkel was seen shaking as she stood next to new Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy during a ceremony in Berlin; the chancellor later asserted that she was fine, and only needed a few glasses of water. https://t.co/CeFE9HHnB4 pic.twitter.com/wxLd1v1Bhe
— NBC News (@NBCNews) June 18, 2019
German Chancellor Angela Merkel says she is “very well” again after drinking three glasses of water.
Earlier Merkel was visibly shaking as she greeted Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy at temperatures of around 30 degrees celsius in Berlin. pic.twitter.com/uWhnW0scD7
— DW Politics (@dw_politics) June 18, 2019